Finland-China Business Association webinar invitation: Digital Marketing in China for Business Growth - Keskuskauppakamari

Finland-China Business Association webinar invitation: Digital Marketing in China for Business Growth

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Microsoft Teams

Dear members and business partners,


China has been a very important market and trade partner for Finnish and EU businesses. The recent plan of the Chinese government sets an economic growth target of above 6 percent for 2021, proving it to be a still-fast-growing economy even during the global pandemic. However, China also has its very own exclusive and different digital landscape, requiring all international brands to localize their marketing, sales, and communications strategy and actions.


In this webinar, we will share the Chinese digital and social media landscape introductions in depth, as well as the tips, cases, and suggestions on how Finnish business can grow via these channels. Our speakers are Ms. Kristina Knut, Marketing Director of KAWO, and Mr. Rixin Jiang, CEO of Nordic Friend. 


WHEN: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 9 am Helsinki time
WHERE: Online webinar

A link to join the webinar will be sent to those registered closer to the date.


Finland-China Business Association is organizing this webinar together with member company Nordic Friend, a marketing and communications agency helping global brands and organizations to create and sustain growth in the Chinese market, and KAWO, a leading social media management platform. 



9.00 Welcome and opening remarks

Mr Timo Helosuo, Chair, Finland-China Business Association

9.05 – 9.40 Chinese Digital Landscape and Social Media in Depth
Kristina Knut, Marketing Director of KAWO  

9.40 – 10.20 Cases and Lessons of Finnish/Nordic Companies on Digital Marketing Localization
Rixin Jiang, CEO of Nordic Friend.   

10.20 – 10.30 Q & A

10.30 Webinar ends


Participation is free of charge but requires pre-registration here


Finland-China Business Association

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