Eurochambers – our voice in Europe

Eurochambers, the joint body of European Chambers of Commerce in Brussels, influences decision-making in the EU on issues related to trade, the economy and entrepreneurship, and implements various EU projects to promote business growth and internationalisation.

Eurochambers has over 20 million member companies in 43 different countries. Experts from the Finland Chamber of Commerce participate in the practical operations of Eurochambers. Juho Romakkaniemi, Managing Director, is a member of the Eurochambers board and chair of the Internal Market Committee.

Eurochambers brings together the views of Chambers of Commerce in the member states of the European Union and influences EU activity through the following priorities, among others:

  • Better regulation
  • Internal markets
  • Economy and taxation
  • Competence and work life
  • SME entrepreneurship
  • International trade and investments
  • Expansion of the EU and cooperation in neighbouring areas

Experts of the Finland Chamber of Commerce participate extensively and actively in the preparation of EU opinions within the framework of Eurochambers.

Furthermore, the manager of the Finland Chamber of Commerce, Lenita Toivakka, acts as one of the nine Finnish members of the European Economic and Social Committee. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an advisory body comprising representatives of employers’ and workers’ organisations and other stakeholders. It issues opinions on EU affairs to the Council of the EU, the European Commission and the European Parliament, and acts as a link between the Union’s institutions and citizens, as well as businesses. The EESC has 326 members, who are elected for five years at a time.