Medals of Merit
- Apply for a Medal of Merit
- Year Medals of Merit
- Special Medals
- Employee of the Year Medal of Merit
- Purchase prices
- Contacts
How to apply
1. Start the application and complete the applicant’s details.
2. Add recipients and select medals.
- You will need to supply the name and the job title be entered in the certificate, the starting date of employment and the date of the certificate.
- Remember to add the recipient information to the application by klicking “save”.
3. Complete the shipping and invoicing information and submit the form.
Fill in the electronic application form
The easiest way to apply for a Medal of Merit is to fill in the electronic form. You can use the same form to apply for a medal for multiple recipients. You can find the application instructions below.

Dispatched within
There is a three-week processing time for applications. The application can be made well in advance of the award ceremony. Please contact us if you need expedited delivery so that we can confirm the delivery date.

Duration of employment
The duration of employment includes sickness, maternity, paternity and parental leave, temporary lay-off and military service. Longer-term study leave, leave of absence, job alternation leave and care leave are deducted from the time granting entitlement to the Medal of Merit.

Medals of Merit for multiple recipients
You can use the application form to apply for Medals of Merit for several recipients at the same time. Once you have filled in the details of one recipient, you can continue by saving the recipient information and filling in the information for the next recipient. You can also use the Excel spreadsheet (sheet in Finnish) on the application page to make tens of applications.

We invoice you for the shipment afterwards.

Applying for the Medals of merit for life’s work
When applying for the Medal of Merit for Life’s Work please add recipient’s work history shortly or CV. The application for the Medal for Extraordinary Achievement must include personalised recommendations on why the medal should be awarded. Please indicate the grounds under application’s additional information or send them to

Who decides who will be awarded a Medal of Merit?
The criteria for awarding medals are decided by a Medal of Merit board appointed by the Finland Chamber of Commerce for a period of three years, the members of which represent different sectors of the business.