Mainonnan eettinen neuvosto
- Climate Commitment
- Human Rights Commitment
- Medals of Merit
- Notification Channel
- Goods inspection
- International markets and networks
- Chambers of Commerce internationalization services
- Property Valuation
- The Board of Business Practice (LTL)
- The Council of Ethics in Advertising
- Export processes
- The Arbitration Institute of the Finland Chamber of Commerce (FAI)
The Council of Ethics in Advertising
The Council of Ethics in Advertising issues statements on whether an advertisement or advertising practice is ethically acceptable. The Council deals with issues like discrimination, decency and social responsibility. The Council is not empowered to give statement regarding misleading advertisements or comparative advertising. These matters are dealt with The Board of Business Practice.
The Council mainly deals with requests from consumers and with issues that are deemed to have public significance.
Complaints from consumers are handled free of charge. A charge of EUR 2.485 is levied if the complainant is non-consumer. For copy advice, the fee is EUR 1.400.
Tel. +358 (0)9 4242 6200
Fax +358 9 4242 6257
E-mail: men(a)
The Council of Ethics in Advertising
Finland Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1000
FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland