Invitation to the annual FinnCham Business Associations' event: Circularity in a Changing Economic Order - Keskuskauppakamari

Invitation to the annual FinnCham Business Associations’ event: Circularity in a Changing Economic Order

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MFA, Merikasarmi, Engel-Hall
Laivastonkatu 22

Dear Business Association member and business partner,

You are cordially invited to attend the annual event for the Finland Chamber of Commerce Business Associations.


Date: Thursday, 9 November 2021 at 15.00 – 18.00. 
Venue: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Merikasarmi, Engel-Hall

Detailed arrival instructions will be sent to those registered closer to the date. You may also join the event remotely. A link to join will be sent to those requesting. 


This year the Embassy of Canada to Finland is supporting the Finland Chamber of Commerce in producing the annual Business Associations event that will focus on the changing economic order, and the role of circularity, CETA and green recovery in it.


Messages on the state and benefits of CETA connected to Green Recovery activities in a world of changing economic order will be delivered by our expert speakers. The event will address the status of markets as they recover from COVID, the effects of planned Green Recovery actions, and the role of CETA in advancement of business opportunities. 


An interactive armchair-discussion will cover aspects of economic indicators, public policy programs and a Q&A session.


A networking reception will allow for further engagement on the themes.


Please register here by 5th November 2021.



More information about the event:

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